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SendingFlow and MailFlo merger announcement

SendingFlow, the email marketing solution tailored for Webflow, is excited to announce its merger with MailFlo, the expert in converting Webflow pages into high-performing HTML emails. This union marks a significant step towards creating the ultimate email marketing experience for the Webflow community.

Posted on Jul 31, 2024

"From our first conversation with Harminder Singh (Mailflo founder), we knew this was a perfect match," said Stéphane Lafaye, CPO of SendingFlow. "His expertise in transforming Webflow designs into emails complements our automated campaign capabilities beautifully. Together, we're set to offer Webflow users an email marketing solution that truly understands their needs and workflow."

This merger is driven by a shared vision: to develop an email marketing tool that matches the sleek, user-friendly experience Webflow users expect. By combining forces, we're creating a powerhouse solution that addresses the entire email marketing process, from design to delivery.

As we combine our expertise and vision, we're excited to announce our roadmap for SendingFlow's evolution. Together, we've identified key areas of development that will significantly enhance the email marketing experience for Webflow users. Our upcoming features include:

  • Advanced Webflow to Email HTML conversion, bridging the gap between web and email design
  • A powerful email signature generator with built-in analytics
  • Comprehensive newsletter functionality
  • A CRM system reimagined specifically for Webflow sites
  • Enhanced client management capabilities for freelancers and agencies

These planned enhancements reflect our shared commitment to creating a truly integrated, Webflow-centric email marketing solution. 

We're also revising our pricing structure to be more inclusive for smaller sites, ensuring that businesses of all sizes can benefit from our enhanced platform.

This merger also marks SendingFlow's expansion beyond France, with MailFlo founder, Harminder Singh, based in Vancouver (Canada), joining our team. We're embracing the challenge of asynchronous collaboration to bring you the best of both worlds.

Our long-term goal is clear: to become the leading email marketing solution for Webflow users. But we're aiming for more than just technical excellence. As David Voge explains,

"The no-code movement has largely focused on the 'how', proving it can match traditional coding. With SendingFlow, we want to shift the focus back to the 'why', especially in marketing practices. We're not just building a tool; we're fostering a community that understands the power of purposeful communication."

As we embark on this exciting new chapter, we invite Webflow users, partners, and enthusiasts to join us in shaping the future of email marketing. Stay tuned for updates and new feature announcements in the coming weeks.

Posted on Jul 31, 2024

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