
Simple and powerful Webflow email marketing platform

No more hassles with unreliable automation for your Webflow forms

3 clicks setup: Native Webflow integration
Custom domain: Included in all plans
Lightning fast: Time to inbox 3.5s
Start now - 7 days free trial

Streamline your workflow

Without SendingFlow
With [Sending]Flow

Unlock your email potential

More opens, more clicks, more success - with less effort

Turn leads into loyal customers

Increase your conversion rates by connecting with leads at their peak interest.

Boost response rates with automated emails
Nurture leads through personalized, automated sequences
Shorten your sales cycle and increase customer lifetime value
Start now - 7 days free trial

Protect your reputation and reach

Ensure your messages always reach the right inbox, maintaining a stellar sender reputation.

Achieve higher deliverability rates and avoid spam folders
Build trust with consistent, professional communication
Improve overall campaign performance and ROI
Start now - 7 days free trial

Make data-driven decisions

Gain valuable insights into your audience's preferences and behaviors to craft resonating campaigns.

Understand open rates, click-through rates, and engagement patterns
Segment your audience for more targeted, effective campaigns
Continuously optimize your strategy based on real-time data
Start now - 7 days free trial

All features, any plan

Pick your perfect email quota and dive into our Webflow email marketing suite of tools.

Included in all plans
7 days trial
Instant support
Multi-region sending IP (US, South America, Europe, Asia)
1 click integration to Webflow
Unlimited users
Detailed analytics
Unlimited subscribers
Time to inbox 1,3s
GDPR compliant
Pick your monthly email quota:
Yearly (2 months free)
$12 per month
100 monthly emails
Start now

Backed by Petit Hack: Webflow experts empowering marketers

SendingFlow is the brainchild of Petit Hack, a Webflow agency passionate about empowering marketers. We've experienced firsthand the challenges of using Webflow in marketing, and we're on a mission to change that.

By creating intuitive tools like SendingFlow, we're making Webflow truly accessible to marketing teams.

Join Sendingflow Today

Start now to automate your emails, access advanced analytics, and join our community to help us develop the perfect tool for you!

Sign up now
One complete offer
7 days trial
Discord Support
Multi-Region Sending IP (US, South America, Europe, Asia)
1 click integration to Webflow
Unlimited users
Detailed analytics
Unlimited Subscribers
Time to inbox 1,3s
GDPR Compliant
Pick your monthly email quota:
Yearly (2 months free)
$12 per month
100 monthly emails
Start now